Saturday, July 25, 2009

Team Sprinkles

I'll save my weekly training report post until tomorrow. But in the mean time I had to share the story of Team Sprinkles. Sprinkles is a gourmet cupcake shop in Dallas (also located in several other U.S. cities). I was excited to discover this given that I've always had a weakness for baked goods! So several months ago, I confessed my love of cupcakes to a friend and we met up at Sprinkles one day. Well, over time one idea led to another-- and more of our running friends wanted to join in on the Sprinkles outings...

This week our July-Summer Cherry meeting welcomed in our 100th Team Sprinkles member!! We now have officers (I share the responsibility of co-president with
Genevieve), which also include Secretaries (Pat and Sheila), Photographers
(Danielle), and Vice President of Marketing -- (Tamara) who worked on getting the
Sprinkles company to help sponsor us, use their artwork for our shirts, and give
us free cupcakes!!! Unbelievable what this has turned in to.
Group photo---
And- making a surprise appearance at the meeting, DRC Training program coordinator Chris (Oklahoma Mile 23 sponsor). The man who months ago had warned us, "Step away from the cupcakes!", has apparently since come over to the dark side. Especially confirmed when he forgot to pace himself and ate two Sprinkles cupcakes before the meeting even started. (Not recommended for beginners).
Happy cupcake consumers Ashley and Roxanne (Oklahoma Mile 14 Sponsor)---Genevieve (Oklahoma miles 6 and 13 sponsor) and I running the (ahem) 'business' portion of the meeting. (Oh yes, you'd be surprised the serious business management cupcakes can require).
Hari (Oklahoma Mile 1 Sponsor) and son Jay--
Secretaries Pat, Sheila and other members attending to meeting proceedings---Team photographer Danielle (Oklahoma Mile 25 sponsor), finding cupcakes are also useful for Chicago Marathon training---
And our special treat this meeting was a juggling performance put on by two of our more talented members Max and Denise (Oklahoma mile 3 sponsors)...
(Trying to post a video of the juggling act here, but having some downloading problems-- check back soon). :)

Just an update on one of the more fun ways I'm managing my carbohydrate intake training for the Texas Marathon!

Texas marathon miles open for sponsorship in just 1 week!!!! :) Don't miss out!


Gail said...

Yea Team Sprinkles!

Don't forget to sign us up for Mile 21!

Mom and Dad

Unknown said...

Awesome meeting recap Anna!